What is Fascia Reset™ Therapy(FRT)?
FRT is a groundbreaking light-touch treatment designed to help therapists identify and alleviate fascial strains that may lead to pain, restricted movement, poor circulation, dizziness, muscle imbalances, anxiety, and more. Fascia Reset Therapy is a transformative technique that targets the fascia and the nervous system, helping to resolve long-standing imbalances in the tissue and restore overall integrity. As a practitioner, you'll gain the ability to effectively release fascial strains throughout the body. By learning to interpret the body’s tension mapping system, you can unlock years of restriction, limitation, and pain in both yourself and your clients.
This approach addresses the root causes of persistent pain resulting from injury, surgery, or postural imbalances, aiding in the process of reestablishing the body’s optimal state of well-being.
What are the Benefits of Fascia Reset Therapy?
Pain Relief
Overall Feeling of Wellness
Improved Balance
Better Range of Motion and Flexibility
Reduction in Inflammation
Lymphatic Flow
Clearer Thinking
Improved Sleep
Improved Energy
These Are Just Some Of The Conditions That Respond Well to Fascia Reset Treatment:
Automobile/Bike Accidents
Back Pain/Disc Injuries
Hip Pain
Chronic Tension Headaches/Migraines
Cervical Pain
Knee Pain
Ankle Pain
Spinal Stenosis
Shortness of Breath
Carpal Tunnel
Head Injuries - Concussions
Traumatic Brain Injury
Recovery from Surgeries
Scar Tissue
Vertigo and Balance Issues
Digestive Issues
Bladder Issues
Menstrual Issues
Overall Feeling of Tightness or Dysfunction
Improving Overall Performance
Holding Chiropractic Adjustments
How Does Fascia Reset™ Therapy Work?
Fascia Reset Therapy uses the therapists’ touch to find and release fascial restrictions. These fascial restrictions can cause pain, limited range of motion, muscle imbalance, positional imbalance and so much more. The therapy, from the patient viewpoint is very gentle, and I’d say the pressure is somewhere between cranial sacral and a lymphatic massage. It is a targeted treatment, however, and the therapist must follow the neurological patterns of tension to understand and release the strains that may be standing in the way of finding the causative strains. For me this work feels much like detective work. Tapping into the body to find the strain patterns is fascinating, and client history is undoubtedly valuable, but not always critical. I have been successful at releasing strains in animals that could not tell me what the problem was.
Using Fascia Reset Therapy (FRT) effectively requires a good understanding of anatomy, an open mind, a gentle touch and the use of kinesiology (muscle testing). For an acupuncturist training in FRT, there are additional tools you can use, such as the pulse, the knowledge of the meridians and symptomology. Not surprisingly, studies have shown that the acupuncture meridians are in large part made up of fascia, further explaining the effectiveness of both of these modalities and providing a greater understanding.
What course graduates have to say about our training…
L. Steele - Equine Veterinarian
“This entire experience has exceeded my expectations. I honestly thought you had to be “born” with magic fingers and a special gift to be able to perform Fascia Reset™ Therapy. I am leaving the course with the confidence to start changing lives one fascia reset at a time!”
C. Alexander - RN & Bodyworker
“What surprised me the most was the effect the FRT has on the body and how immediately and profoundly it can change people’s lives.”
L. Steele
“I was surprised you can correct a subluxation in a vertebra with FRT.”
D. Grech - Acupuncture Physician
“..Fascia Reset Therapy I feel is the missing piece in healing many diseases and pain in the body. So simple, so gentle and extremely powerful. With a background in Traditional Chinese Medicine, this will definitely be incorporated while treating patients.”
L. Wilson - Neuro-Chiropractor
“ I would like to express how much Fascia Reset has innovated the way that I practice. Too many times I had to re-treat the same area or the same specific vertebra of the spine and while I got incredible results, it would not stabilize and the symptoms would return. With the knowledge I gained in the Fascia Reset Therapy course, I can confidently say that this is something of the past. Having the ability to not only release the surrounding layers— and I emphasize layers —of fascia, have I found that the multitude of adjustments I have to deliver during a treatment has significantly decreased and the restrictions do not return since the surrounding facia is now holding the joint in place rather than fighting against the neutral positioning that has created the symptom. I am forever, grateful for learning this finite technique and will be utilizing it every day in my office.”
Fascia Reset Therapy Course Information
Course Information and Dates Coming Soon!