Fascia Reset Therapy Training Course Information

I’m so excited to be offering the first online/in-person course combo in Fascia Reset Therapy!
You get to work through the 6 chapters of web content, videos and downloadable PDF content at your own pace
and then join us for a 6 day hands-on course to bring it all together.

While, this course is geared toward licensed hands-on professionals, such as Acupuncture Physicians, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Athletic Trainers, Massage Therapists, and Fascia Therapists, it is also open to Physicians, Nurses, Veterinarians as well as any non-licensed individual who has enough anatomy knowledge to engage in the course and wants to use this powerful tool for their personal use.

If you feel this course is for you, please read below the pre-requisites, the course format and the dates of the current hands-on course before purchasing.

If you have any questions, please send me an email at fasciaresettherapy@gmail.com

Course Pre-Requisites

  • Some level of anatomy training or knowledge*

    • A basic understanding of fascia  

  • License to touch in the state you live - if you will be charging for your services

  • Commitment to the course in its entirety

  • Payment in Full (or payment plan) $1250.00

  • The purchase of Human Body Anatomy Atlas App. Courseware
    ($49.99 - already deducted from the course price of $1300)

    *Anatomy knowledge is an important factor in practicing FRT. The more you know, the quicker you will be able to find and release strains and even have a better understanding of where to look for them. However, if you are passionate about learning this therapy, and willing to put in some extra hours studying anatomy, lets talk. Just shoot me an email with the best way to reach you. fasciaresettherapy@gmail.com

Course Format

  • This 60 hour training course is designed to provide 6 Chapters of online training modules (approx. 24 hours) that you can complete at your own pace

  • A 6 day hands-on training component (36 hours) to deepen and lock-in your understanding and application of what you've learned

  • 2 hours of face-to-face coaching (through Zoom) with me, all at once or broken up, during your online course time

  • Unlimited email questions with me throughout your online course time

  • The Visible Body Courseware App is mandatory and also allows you to study up on your anatomy in detail.
    It is also the perfect guide to use while treating patients. Your purchase will give you access for one-year from signing up

  • The opportunity to become a Certified Fascia Reset Therapist

Whether you’re looking to enhance your practice or start a new journey in gentle-touch fascia therapy, this course is designed to provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to bring the best in gentle touch, pain reduction and postural therapy to your clients.


BRADENTON, FLORIDA - JULY 24-29 Total of 36 hours

TIMES: July 24 - 1pm - 5pm
July 25-28 - 9am - 5pm with an hour for lunch
July 29 - 9am - 1pm